chevron_rightAnimal Control in Our Community The City of Renton Animal Control Ordinance and the Liberty Ridge Governing Documents (C.C.&R.) require that pets must be on a leash and are not allowed to roam free beyond their owner's property. Dogs are not allowed to bark repeatedly or excessively and residents must pick up their pet waste when they are off their property. Be a good neighbor and comply with the laws rules regarding animals.
Home Owner's Associations (HOA)
chevron_rightHow do I setup Automatic Payments for my HOA Dues? For information and instructions on how to set up payment of you HOA dues, please visit Around the Clock Inc. at www.aroundtheclockinc.com
chevron_rightWhat is a Home Owner's Association (HOA)? DEFINITION OF A COMMUNITY HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATIONA community association provides a communal basis for preserving, maintaining,and enhancing homes and property. All community associations have threebasic, defining characteristics:
- Membership in the community association is mandatory and automatic for all owners. This is unlike other associations whose membership is voluntary.
- Certain documents bind all owners to be governed by the community association. These documents require mutual obligations to be performed by the individual owner and the community.
- Mandatory lien-based economic charges or assessments are levied on each owner in order to operate and maintain the community association.
From CAI's An Introduction to Community Association Living. -
chevron_rightWhy have a Home Owner's Association (HOA)? PURPOSE OF A COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONPeople choose to live in community associations for numerous reasons. Many association owners value the inherent benefits offered by community association living. Community associations are designed to:
- Manage common areas of the property
- Manage property interests of owners
- Provide services for owners
- Develop a sense of community through social activities and/or amenities
By purchasing into a community association, be it a condominium unit, townhome, or single family home, the owner agrees to abide by the community’s pre-established guidelines. The owner will often live close to his or her neighbors, share common facilities, and voluntarily sacrifice certain freedoms, all for the cause of protecting communal property values and reducing nuisances. Reasonable restrictions, consistently enforced over time, will preserve the net value of the community and maintain a high quality of life for residents.From CAI's An Introduction to Community Association Living.
House and Yard
chevron_rightHow do I find out the original paint colors for our house? The home owner's association does not have any of the original paint colors for the homes. The original paint was from Parker Paints. Maybe if you are lucky there is still a can of it in the garage somewhere with codes on it. Or maybe you can find the original folder that came with the house that might contain that information.
chevron_rightIf I wanted to build a shed, what are the requirements? An ACC (Architecture Change Request) form must be filled out and submitted to the HOA (Home Owners Association).
Per the Liberty Ridge CC&R's and the Guidelines, these is our shed requirements.
1. 120 Sq Feet or less. One story high.
2. Made of wood with siding color to match your home. Same siding as home is best.
3. Roof to match the home.
4. Doors and windows as you like. Most kits and plans come with these.
5. Cannot cause a drainage problem for your neighbors.
6. Set backs as required by City Code. 5 feet from you home and property lines. There may be some flexibility on set backs.
7. Get your neighbors approval.
chevron_rightMy tree is getting too big or has died, can I remove it or replace it? There is not a specific problem with removing a tree. There isn't an HOA rule stating you must keep it, especially if it is becoming a problem.
What is asked is that it is taken out correctly (not just cut off the top and leave the trunk). Have the trunk removed or ground down to below ground level and replant either grass or put in a flower bed.
Or you could replace it with another tree.
The overall attempt and purpose of an HOA is to preserve the net value of the community and maintain a high quality of life for residents. And yard care is a big factor towards achieving this. -
chevron_rightWhat is the approved stain color for the fences? The current approved stain for the fences in Liberty Ridge is Cabot Siding & Fence Sequoia color in Solid, Semi-Solid or Semi-Transparent.This is available at McLendon's Hardware and Lowes Hardware.
- chevron_rightWhat is the required design for new fences or fence repairs?
chevron_rightHow do I stop advertising or newspapers from being put in my driveway or on my house? For the most part, it is difficult to stop this type of advertising.Specifically when items are thrown into the driveway, the HOA management company may try to contact the company to request them to stop, but this may not work.Renton Reporter delivery to all homes has stopped as of May 1, 2014. If you wish to have the Renton Reporter delivered to your home, you must contact the Renton Reporter to request weekly delivery. Contact Amanda Shull at (425) 255-3484, Extension 6050 or e-mail at ashull@rentonreporter.com
It will also be the responsibility of the individual residents to notify the Renton Reporter when you will be on vacation. Any uncollected papers from your porch will result in the suspension of subsequent deliveries.
chevron_rightI can't get into my mailbox. The home owner's association does not have any keys for the mailboxes.You will need to replace the lock for the mailbox.New locks can be obtained at McLendon's Hardware.In order to remove the old lock, you should either meet the mail carrier at your mailbox when they are there to deliver mail or to contact the post office at 4301 NE 4th Street, in Renton at 425-227-6304 to arrange a meeting at your mailbox.Once they open the mailbox, you can remove the old lock and take it to McLendon's for a replacement.
chevron_rightWhat happened to the delivery of the Renton Reporter to my house? Renton Reporter delivery to all homes has stopped as of May 1, 2014. If you wish to have the Renton Reporter delivered to your home, you must contact the Renton Reporter to request weekly delivery. Contact Amanda Shull at (425) 255-3484, Extension 6050 or e-mail at ashull@rentonreporter.com
It will also be the responsibility of the individual residents to notify the Renton Reporter when you will be on vacation. Any uncollected papers from your porch will result in the suspension of subsequent deliveries.
Rental Property
chevron_rightAre there rental caps or special rules to own a rental home in Liberty Ridge? There are no rental caps in Liberty Ridge.The HOA does ensure the rental properties (as with owner occupied homes) are maintained in a consistent manner with the rules and regulations of the association.This snippet is from the Liberty Ridge HOA ACC Guidelines:"When renting a home in Liberty Ridge the home owner must provide the Liberty Ridge Property Manager the following information.
1. A copy of the lease/rental agreement.
2. Contact information for the owner of the home being rented.
3. Contact information for the party leasing or renting the home.
Failing to comply with this Guideline, the homeowner will incur penalties as described in the CC&R's." -
chevron_rightWhat to do if there is a rental property with a yard or house or other community violation? What if a rental property looks bad (yard, house, cars, etc...)?The same rules apply to rental properties that apply to owner occupied homes.If there are suspicious activities or noise violations or the like, call 911 and report these problems to the police.If there are home owners association violations, contact the HOA manager at http://rentonlibertyridge.com/mgmt_company.php or the HOA at http://rentonlibertyridge.com/contact.php
chevron_rightAre door-to-door sales and peddlers allowed in our neighborhood? No, our neighborhood is a solicitor free neighborhood. While we love supporting our neighborhood kids football team or school fundraising efforts, anyone from outside our community, business, company etc selling their product, will not be permitted! As a community we are constantly a target due to the volume of our estate, from the likes of bug exterminators, landscape companies, religious groups.. the list goes on. This can be a safety issue, always ask if they have a permit to peddle and a business card, if they can not show you their permit, please feel free to contact the local non-emergency line to report their behavior. They may not be who they say they are and could be out to scam local residents or scouting houses to see who is home at what time of day. Please report them.
chevron_rightHow to report graffiti If you see graffiti tagging being done in progress, call 911 to report it to the Renton Police right away. Provide them with as much accurate information as possible to assist the responding officers. If you discover graffiti after the suspect(s) are gone, report it to the Renton Police. The police need to track where and when graffiti is occurring. Often times, the police can identify a "graffiti tagger" by their distinct markings.It is also important to report any graffiti you discover on this website or by contacting your Liberty Ridge HOA Community Manager. We will ensure that the graffiti gets removed as soon as possible.Graffiti is a blight in a community and can have a negative impact on your property value.If you have more questions or want more information on graffiti prevention, contact Cyndie Parks, Renton Police Crime Prevention Coordinator, at (425) 430-7521, or e-mail: cparks@rentonwa.gov
chevron_rightWhat Should I Do If I See Suspicious Activity If it looks suspicious, it probably is. Go with your instincts and call 911 right away. Be prepared to provide valuable information like a detailed description of the person or persons, including clothing. Describe what activity you observed and why it looks suspicious to you. Most criminals are caught because alert citizens reported activity that was suspicious.
Streets, Parking, Stree Lights, etc..
chevron_rightWhat are the parking rules in Liberty Ridge? Liberty Ridge does not own the the public streets. These are owned and operated by the City of Renton.The City does have laws and rules for parking.You can see the City rules by going here.Some of the most common City parking rules violations within Liberty Ridge include not moving a car parked on the City roads for more than 72 hours and parking in the opposite direction of traffic..If there is a car parked in Liberty Ridge that you think is in violation of one of the City rules, please contact the City of Renton to lodge a complaint .
chevron_rightWhat if the street light is not working? The street lights are owned and maintained by the city of Renton.You should report the problem by either calling the city of Renton at (425) 430-7423Or you can go online and submit the problem at the City fo Renton's web site.